Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Subaru SHARC Concept wins LA Auto Show Design Challenge



It's Subaru's Automated Highway Response Concept. They call it the SHARC. It looks like a jet. We already made an Udo Dirkschneider joke about it. And it’s won the 2012 Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge. Subie’s autonomous patrol vehicle was picked by the jury as a sterling example of forward-thinking law-enforcement equipment.

According to Chuck Pelly of Design LA, “The SHARC captured the vision of the Design Challenge theme by combining functionality and problem-solving technology around a dynamic and plausible story.”

Subie’s pie-on-the-pavement concept was designed to meet Hawaii’s UltraGreen carbon-neutral enviro regulations. Yes, it stretched the concept beyond California, but presumably, Subaru’s considered the need for enforcement on the long, long stretches of the Golden State’s desolate Central Valley arteries as well.

Autonomous operation allows for a leaner force, and undoubtedly some staggering future legal battles, though by 2025, perhaps the parameters of lawful drone use will have been clarified.

Still, we can’t help but be a little creeped out. O brave new world, That has such robots in't...

Source: Auto Week

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