Friday, June 27, 2014

Checked Your Tires Lately?

Summer is just around the corner, and it's time to get your car prepared for the heat of the next few months. The first place to start is your tires. Did you know that only 1 out of ever 10 drivers regularly check their tire pressure? This is important to do as tire pressure changes one to two PSI for every 10-degree increase in outside air temperature. Be sure to check your owner's manual to maintain proper inflation, because the only thing worse than having to stop and change a blown-out tire is having to do so in the heat. While you're at it, it's probably also a good idea to check your tire's tread, as well as alignment, as this can affect stop time and gas mileage. Be sure you've got a properly inflated spare in your trunk as well!

Stay tuned for future summer car maintenance tips!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Get a Successful Driver’s License Photo

Once you are old enough to get your driver’s license photo taken, the preparation is essential. Take a look at these tips to take your best photo ever! 

Mr. Bean didn't follow Rule #6
  1.  Do not wear white, it tends to make people look sickly under the lighting at the DMV.
  2. Avoid wearing t- shirts with slogans, plain shirts with soft colors such as blue, green and pink tend to be the best.
  3. If you are getting your photo taken during allergy season or if you have a cold, use eye drops and make sure your eyes wide open.
  4. Keep your hair neat and normal, today is not the day to try out a fancy hair do or new hair color.
  5. Ladies, know how to wear your makeup. Too much eye shadow tends to make your eyes disappear and too little makes you look like a zombie. Practice makes perfect!
  6. Like we said before, practice makes perfect! It may seem silly to practice smiling in the mirror but it can only benefit you in the end.
  7. Be on time for your appointment and stay patient. DMV’s are notoriously slow but the wait will be worth a great picture!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A guide to the gas pump

Ever drive up to the gas pump and see all kinds of names of on the pumps and not know the difference? Here is the beginners guide to the most popular ways to power your car.

Gasoline- Gasoline is the most common automobile fuel and is used all over the world to power cars, motorcycles, scooters, boats, lawnmowers, and other machinery. Most vehicles function just fine on the lowest and cheapest gasoline option. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to see which grade is recommended for your car.

Diesel- A resurgence of diesel powered vehicles has taken place in the past few years because of the rising price of all fuels, including gasoline and diesel. Diesel powered cars typically get better gas mileage than gasoline powered vehicles and some drivers feel that they get a better value for their money even if diesel is more expensive.

Biodiesel- Diesel fuel that is created using vegetable oils or animal fats is called biodiesel. Some inventive drivers have found ways to recycle used cooking oils into biodiesel that powers altered car engines.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Seeing red or feeling blue: What your car’s hue reveals about you

Red: Outgoing and High Energy
There’s something about the color red is impossible to ignore.  If your car is sporting this paint job, you are likely quick-witted, bold, and dynamic.  You think on your feet and tend to make snap decisions that somehow always work out.  If you like to be center stage with all eyes on you, red is the perfect shade for you.
Black: Classic and Elegant.
Black is truly a timeless color. Not only is it simple and versatile, it is an unmistakable symbol of power. If you are the owner of a black Cadillac, you probably have very classy taste in clothing and appreciate the finer things in life.  You have an impressive talent for knowing the appropriate time to speak your mind.
Blue: Trustworthy, Calm, and Patient
Much like the ocean on a bright sunny day, blue car owners tend to be cool and calm.  If your ride dons this color, you are a humanitarian.  People describe you as trustworthy, sensitive, and caring. When you make friends, they are lifelong connections.
White: Direct, Organized, and Clean
Generally, if you drive a white vehicle you probably insist upon keeping your office space, home, and vehicle in pristine condition. White isn’t able to camouflage very much when it comes to mud and dust, so you definitely know the value of caring for your things.  Some might describe you as being high-maintenance.  We’d describe you as selective. :)